Increasing Referrals to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) from Drug Treatment Courts Using Organizational Linkage Intervention

PI: Ekaterina Pivovarova
Funding Source: National Institute of Drug Abuse
CoE Division: Research, Evaluation, & Policy
PhotoTeam Member:Title:
Ekaterina Pivovarova
Ekaterina PivovarovaAffiliated Faculty
Alexandra Boland
Alexandra BolandResearch Coordinator II
Joseph Sawicki
Joseph SawickiConsultant Pharmacist

The Clinical Organization and Legal Agency Alliance Building (COLAAB) was developed to enhance communications and collaborations between Recovery Courts, community-based Medication for Opioid Use Disorders (MOUD) providers, and other agencies involved in the care of individuals enrolled in Recovery Courts. This included the following activities:

  • Identification and engagement of local MOUD treatment providers
  • Monthly meetings with Recovery Court, MOUD providers, Jail/House of Corrections, and UMass research staff
  • Tours of MOUD agencies with senior administrative staff and MOUD clinicians
  • Observation of Recovery Court processes
  • Education about how MOUD agencies and legal partners enroll, treat and engage individuals receiving MOUD
  • Development of informational materials, including:
    • Contacts for local providers
    • Summaries of available MOUD services and enrollment criteria
    • Collection of MOUD referral and intake documents
    • Information about service hours and insurance
    • MOUD initiation criteria and procedures
  • Establishment of liaison practices to aid in the referral and retention of Recovery Court participants in MOUD treatment