
The Massachusetts Center of Excellence for Specialty Courts undertakes initiatives at the intersection of behavioral health and the criminal-legal system through three divisions.

Implementation and Translation Division

The Implementation and Translation Division drives the adoption, implementation, and sustainment of evidence-based, best, and innovative practices in Specialty Courts and related settings through activities that translate scientific knowledge for the field and build system capacity.

Equity Division

The Equity Division drives initiatives at the intersection of behavioral health and the courts to advance equity and reduce disparities in access, engagement, retention, and outcomes by strengthening cultural humility and responsiveness, mitigating structural barriers, engaging community members, and supporting courts in making diversity, equity, inclusion essential components of programs, policies, and practices.

Research, Evaluation and Policy Division

The Research, Evaluation, and Policy Division drives initiatives to advance scientific knowledge of innovative, best, and evidence-based interventions at the intersection of behavioral health and the criminal-legal system.