
Increasing Referrals to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) from Drug Treatment Courts Using Organizational Linkage Intervention

Funding Source: National Institute of Drug Abuse
CoE Division: Research, Evaluation, & Policy

The Clinical Organization and Legal Agency Alliance Building (COLAAB) was developed to enhance communications and collaborations between Recovery Courts, community-based Medication for Opioid Use Disorders (MOUD) providers, and other agencies involved in the care of individuals enrolled in Recovery Courts. This included the following activities:


Funding Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)
CoE Division: Equity

This project implements and evaluates an adaptation of MISSION-CJ to address the needs of recovering parents, children, and families within the Franklin County Family Drug Treatment Court. UMass Chan leads a mixed-methods evaluation and development of adapted intervention materials (e.g., manual, workbook, fidelity measures).

MISSION Springfield

Funding Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)
CoE Division: Equity

This project implements and evaluates the MISSION-CJ model within the Springfield Adult Drug Court in Springfield, MA. This project also pilot tests Dr. Gaba and Drawbridge’s brief intervention called “Empowering Prosocial Change (EPC)”, which addresses dynamic factors driving offending behaviors. UMass Chan leads a mixed methods evaluation, and provides Project Management and MISSION-CJ model consultation/training.

Advancing Equity in Drug Court

Funding Source: UMass Chan Center for Clinical and Translation Science (CCTS)
CoE Division: Equity

The project assesses multilevel factors impacting racial/ethnic behavioral health and healthcare disparities experienced by Black/African American and Latinx adults with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder receiving MISSION-CJ in MA Drug Courts. The study specifically assesses facilitators and barriers to equitable implementation of MISSION-CJ an evidence-based integrated behavioral intervention for justice involved adults currently being implemented in four MA Adult Drug Courts....

K23 Supplement: MOUD Pharmacist

Funding Source: National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)
CoE Division: Implementation & Translation

This supplement to the K23 will implement the use of pharmacists in Drug Courts to provide pharmacotherapy training to Drug Courts and liaison with community medications for opioid use disorder providers.

Project NORTH: Implementation Support

Funding Source: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Subaward from EOTC

This project develops a data infrastructure for Project North to enable Recovery Support Navigators (RSNs) to track data on brief contacts with court community and navigation services provided. Technical assistance on data entry and quality assurance is also provided.

Shannon Community Safety Initiative

Funding Source: Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety & Security
CoE Division: Implementation & Translation

This project provides research, evaluation, training, and technical assistance to the City of Fitchburg in its work to reduce gang violence. In FY22, project activities include an updated community risk assessment, individualized intervention maps for Shannon-funded programs, as well as a Shannon Implementation Blueprint.

Risk-Need-Responsivity: Implementation Support

Funding Source: Massachusetts Office of Community Corrections
CoE Division: Implementation & Translation

Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) is an approach with efficacy to reduce recidivism among people involved with the criminal-legal system. Implementing RNR within the criminal-legal system involves several inter-related practices, including risk-needs assessment, RNR-informed case management, and cognitive-behavioral interventions to improve functioning in life domains that drive crime...