Risk-Need-Responsivity: Implementation Support

PI: Dara Drawbridge
Funding Source: Massachusetts Office of Community Corrections
CoE Division: Implementation & Translation
Team Member:Title:Photo
Dara Drawbridge
Dara DrawbridgeCoE Co-Director and Co-Director, Implementation & Translation Division
Sydney Little
Sydney LittleResearch Project Coordinator II
Michelle Crist
Michelle CristPost-Doctoral Associate
Gretchen Landry
Gretchen LandryResearch Project Coordinator I
Ayorkor Gaba
Ayorkor GabaDirector, Equity Division

Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) is an approach with efficacy to reduce recidivism among people involved with the criminal-legal system. Implementing RNR within the criminal-legal system involves several inter-related practices, including risk-needs assessment, RNR-informed case management, and cognitive-behavioral interventions to improve functioning in life domains that drive crime. Despite evidence of RNR’s efficacy, multi-level barriers to implementation exist and systems can struggle to implement RNR with fidelity. This project designs and implements a RNR Implementation Capacity Support System for the Massachusetts Office of Community Corrections to support RNR implementation at eighteen Community Justice Support Centers where clinical staff administer risk-needs assessment, design RNR-informed case management plans, and deliver cognitive-behavioral interventions. All sites receive an initial 12-months (Phase 1) of RNR low intensity capacity support delivered via external implementation facilitation. At the conclusion of Phase 1, if RNR implementation is high then capacity support activities cease. If RNR implementation is low at the end of Phase 1, then capacity support activities intensify and continue for 12-24 months (Phase 2).