News and Announcements

Meaghan Dupuis


Meaghan Dupuis, MA, LMHC delivered a training on the Addiction Severity Index to Massachusetts Specialty Court Clinicians funded by the Training for Recovery & Engagement in Addiction Treatment (TREAT) Initiative. Meaghan Dupuis

Ekaterina Pivovarova

Jail-based reentry programming to support continued treatment with medications for opioid use disorder: Qualitative perspectives and experiences among jail staff in Massachusetts

Dr. Pivovarova and colleagues published a new manuscript. Abstract (link to manuscript). Background: People released from jail are at elevated opioid overdose risk. Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) are effective in reducing overdoses. MOUD treatment was recently mandated in seven…

Meaghan Dupuis

Gang Overview

Meaghan Dupuis, MA, LMHC, and DOC investigative staff led Gang 101 for Safe & Successful Youth Initiative workers to be aware of gangs in their work areas. Co-Lead with investigative staff from the DOC. Meaghan Dupuis